
Technical Support

Gravure color knowledge

1. What is light?
The light emitted from the light emitter (source) out of the electromagnetic wave. Visible light is electromagnetic waves that can be perceived by the human eye section.
2. Spectral

3. The light source

General points natural light source and artificial lighting.

The sun is the biggest natural light.

Heat and light and artificial light cold light

Heat source incandescent, arc lamps

Fluorescent cold light

Different spectral light sources of different intensity distribution is irradiated to the same object, color objects appear different. Therefore, when the color control, stability and unity of the light source is very important.

4. What color?

Color is a property of light. The wavelength of light determines the color of light. The color of the object is the color of objects the reflected light. Reflection and absorption of light of different objects different, so constitute a colorful world.

5. The color characteristics

There are three characteristics of color hue, name, Saturation

Second, color theory

1. The additive color

Direct mixing into a new shade with two or more shade. BEST additive color primary colors red micro (700nm), green (546.1nm) and blue (435.8nm). Almost all primary colors can be equipped with a color. Color theory is additive color TV.

2. subtractive

The use of selective absorption pigment shade features, minus some shade of white light illumination on the ink from resulting in the desired color.

Subtractive primary colors are magenta, yellow, green. Color inks are subtractive principle, the subtractive method does not match all the colors.

Third, the kind of color samples

Fourth, the toner must utensils, materials

Color development substrate, newspapers, show color folders, color development stick, spoon, Zahn 3 cup, auto exhibition color machine.

Fifth, compare color

1. The information needed for toning.

①. Ink type ②. Printing substrate types

③. Plate kind ④. Version Deep

⑤. Diluent ⑥. Printing viscosity

⑦. After processing conditions (composite, coating, boiling, cooking, etc.)

⑧. Swatch

2. Compare condition

① field size - would be made as large as the comparison object

. ② types of lighting intensity - in a certain light, place relatively

. ③ dividing line - the line adjacency

④ background color - the background colorless

⑤ observer - no color blindness, color weakness

3. The display method

①. The line to try to abut

②. Ambient contrast darker vision to a test material and colorless. Available colorless colorless hood cover opening round or angular cast angular opening cover.

The light source

Sunlight is the most natural light, single unable tightly controlled conditions, the north window incident sunlight is set as the standard light source.

5. Methods of Observation

Look at the color should avoid regular reflected light to shine just above 45 ° incident light print, look at the eyes and printed matter.


①. Long stare, affect judgment. (Within 5 seconds)

②. Sample look around alternately.

③. Note also that sample directivity.

Sixth, toning method

1. No ink kind of situation

①. Weighing, recording the weight of the original ink.

②. The original ink mixed with a diluent, according to the version of deep Exhibition 4-8 select color bars on the printed substrate and color swatches comparison hue.

③. When the hue and color samples close to the auto show exhibition color machine color, hue and color samples compared to the control, concentration. As for the fine adjustment of the color swatch same.

④. When hue and color samples consistent calculation of the mixing ratio of ink and solvent, and retain records.

2. ink kind of situation

①. Weighing, recording the weight of the original ink.

②. The original ink mixed with a diluent and diluted to the viscosity of the ink-like, with a contrast color development and color development of the ink stick kind.

③. When the ink-like hue close to the auto show exhibition color machine color, hue and color samples compared to the control, concentration. Micro adjustment.

④. When hue and color samples consistent calculation of the mixing ratio of ink and solvent, and retain records.

VII Notes when toner

①. To minimize the kind of ink.

②. First mix more than the amount of color ink, after adding a small amount of color ink.

③. When Lighter in tone ink (white ink) was added in small color ink, on the contrary will cause great trouble.

④. When the tone bright colors, with a color similar to the color of the ring tone. When dark tone, color far apart on the color wheel to adjust.


For example: bright green - green grass Qinghuang +

Dark green --- the colors yellow + blue

Note: This chapter ink color of all color chart and numbers are for reference does not mean that the real effect of the case. Please tune with the actual colors prevail.