
Technical Support

Synthetic resin grades table

Synthetic resin grades table

Code English
ABS acrylonituile-butadiene-sty uene copolymer
ACS acrylonituile-chlorinated polyethylenes-styrene-styrene copolymer
AL amide-icide
AF aniline-formaldehyde
AK alkydresin
AMMA acrylinetrile-meehyl methacrylate copolymer
AP amorphose prpylene
AS acrylonitril-styrene copolymer
BR butadiene rubber
BT thermoplastic poly(1-butene)
CA cellrlose acetate
CN cellulose nitrate
EC ethyl cellulose
CAB cellulose acetate
CAP eallulose acetate
CPE chorinated polyethylene
CTA cellulose triacetate
CP cellulose propionaste
CSPE chlorlsulfonated polydthylene
CPVC chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
CS casein plastics
EEA ethylene-ethyl acrylate
EAA ethylene-acrylicacid copolycer
EP epoxide
EVAL ethylene-resin vinylalclhol
HDPE high density polyethylene
LDPE lowdensity polyethylene
MDPE middle density polyethylene
DAP diallyl pnthalate resin
MBS methyl methacrylate-butadiene-stylene coposycer
MF melamine-formaldehyde resin
PA polyamide
PAA polyacrylic acid
PAC(PAN)PAS polyacrylonitrile
PAS polyarl sulrone
PB polybutytene
PBTP poly(butylenes terephthalate)
PC polycarbonate
PBI pory(benzaimidazoles)
PBT polybenxothiozoles
PCTFE polyxhlorotrifluoroethylene
PES polyethersulfone
PETP poly(ethylene terephthalate)
PF phenol-formaldehyde
PI polyimide
PIB polyisobrtene
PMMA poly(methyl methacrylate)
POM polyoxymethylene,polyformaldehyde
PP polypropylene
PO polyyolefine
PPS chlorinated polypropylene
PPO poly(phenylene oxide)
PPS poly(phenyene sulfide)
PEEK poly(ether eher ketone)
PPSU poly(phenylene sulfone)
PS polystyrene
PSU polysulfone
PTFE polytetrafluoroethvlene
PUR polyurethane
PVAC polyvinyl acetate
PVAL polycinyl alcohol
PVB poly(vinyl butyral)
PVC poly(vinyl chloride)
PVDC poly(vinylidene chloride)
PVF poly(vinyl fluoride)
SAN styrene-acryeonitrile copolymer
RF resorl formaldehyde
SAN styrene acronitrile copolymer
UF urea-formaldehyde resin
SBR styrene butadieme copolymer
UE urthane elestomerr
SI siloxane,silicone
SIR siloxane rubber
PUP unsaturated polyester
TPX(PMP) polymethylpentene

Silk screen printing ink color

1, screen printing ink deployment of technology:

Deployment of screen printing inks are an important part of the deployment of the results directly affect the printing ink effect. In general, the deployment process inks can be divided into two parts: one is the deployment of printability ink and another ink color hue deployment. Printability adjust, primarily using solvents, thinners and other solvents for ink formulation, ink viscosity, fluidity and speed drying performance to adapt to the printing requirements.

Color ink formulation: ink toner is mainly based on the principle of subtractive color pigment ink formulation. Ink formulation usually start with a small test sample tune, then zoom in deployment.

2, the color steps:

1. identify material composition: Before color, first identified printing material, in order to determine the choice of what kind of ink can adapt printing.

2. Key color: the deployment of key color should be chosen, the key color should be the main ingredient to go with color.

Scrape the substrate to be printed some color samples and color samples for comparison, after each comparison, we can determine the key color then add the kind of color, so that after the deployment of the ink color close to standard color: 3 color comparison.

4. The sample deployment:

① original color composition analysis, to determine the main color and secondary color.

② When the first deployment of the main color, then add secondary colors close to the main color, the color tone of around 90%, proofing. General deployment of light as a bit deeper than the dark is a little lighter than the original, because the light-colored ink will dry more shallow after dark ink dry rendering darker phenomenon.

③ secondary colors added to the main color in the process, the addition should be added to light after dark, especially when the color of strong color hue close to the deployment of caution should be added, accurately weighed.

④ detailed records of all kinds of color ink brand, model, color, said the amount of data.

⑤ as color print sample and compare that to the same material and the same printing process as it should be carried out under standard colorimetric light conditions.

⑥ after the colorimetric correction, toning officers colorimetric reach as hue after confirmation by the relevant personnel in order to enlarge the actual production deployment.

5 Note:

① color ink hue and user-specified color card color difference: color card currently popular screen printing industry is provided by the use of lithographic (offset), is a late primary colors trapping effect, and the ink thin. In the deployment of screen printing inks, color cards provide color recipes for reference data.

② color vision: Impact transmittance, reflectance, light, viewing conditions, the ink film thickness, ink transparency, substrates such as changes in the nature of the printing ink color by.

③ affect substrates: substrates surface finish, color, ink absorbency and to deal with the color change will affect the printing ink.

④ layer thickness: the thickness of the printing ink can cause color shades. Ink layer by halftone screen mesh diameter, stretching tension, the photosensitive layer thickness, hardness and scratch sharpening blade shape, running squeegee angle, squeegee pressure and speed, network distance, the printing table surface hardness and other conditions influences.